muscle activation technique

A Day of 'Firsts' in the Mountains of Colorado

A Day of 'Firsts' in the Mountains of Colorado

by: Amie Kane-Lee

I have had the honor of working with clients for many years. Because of this, I have had the honor of witnessing the personal growth that occurs when their body becomes stronger and more stable. They become more confident; they begin to step outside their comfort zone to challenge themselves in new ways. 

what is muscle activation techniques (m.a.t.)?

what is muscle activation techniques (m.a.t.)?

by: Patrick Furie

Muscle Activation Techniques™ (MAT) is a very specific, non-medical, mechanically based process of evaluating and treating muscular imbalance and dysfunction. MAT is an effective treatment for injury recovery and rehabilitation, as well as chronic pain management for a variety of neuromuscular disorders.